Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Nicole Denise
2 min readOct 15, 2021

This human experience called life is quite humorous most days and unpredictable on others. The ups, downs, and turn arounds the complexity of it all and yet I am grateful for each day my feet hit the floor and I’m allowed to breath crisp air into my lungs. As one grows you realize that life will bring the unexpected no matter the path you're on. The only control you have is how you respond and how you will proceed after the eruption. “It’s life” my mother used to say and still says this very day. It happens to us all! Living in a world influenced by social media will cloud your perception of the issues and struggles that all of us deal with behind closed doors. Everyone is happy, rich, successful, and living their best lives. There are a few who will share their truth and walk bravely in it. What most people don’t realize being vulnerable and transparent not only frees yourself but also inspires others to do the same.

As you grow you change. The things you once thought were important and desired are no longer appealing. I can’t speak for everyone but in my own experience, everything I thought I wanted no longer accommodates the current quest I'm on. I was asked in a recent survey to describe my current journey in one word. My word was Unforeseen, definition -not anticipated or predicted. The truth is we can plan our entire lives out but rarely does it go that exact way without us getting lost or having to take detours. It is okay to change direction or not go the traditional route.

Your journey is yours. Own it, embrace it, stand tall in it, and know it will all work out, sometimes better than you could of ever imagine. Give yourself grace, time, and don’t compare your journey to others. Everyone's journey is different and you have no idea what that person had to go through and how long it took for them to reach their current peak. Be intentional in everything you do. Recently I have been writing out my intentions when I embark on a new journey, skill, or experience. It is a reminder that I am equipped with everything I need and what I don’t have will be provided and I lack nothing. These are subliminal messages we have to tell ourselves daily. This is why affirmations are so important. Life is a marathon, not a sprint so take your time and enjoy each phase of the race. Divine timing and divine alignment will be appointed beloved. Pace yourself accordingly and trust the process.



Nicole Denise

Mother, Techie and Indoor Cycling Fanatic. Here to Reach, Teach and Inspire.