How I used Social Media to Pivot into Data Analytics

Nicole Denise
3 min readOct 4, 2021

It is still hard to believe that I am here. I remember back as an undergrad at Full Sail University they had a degree program in Business Intelligence. I was intrigued but I was more into Media Communications at that time. How I wished I would have given big data another look. Fast forward graduated grad school in 2020 and I’m ready to take on the world. The truth was I was uncertain about where my career would go after I received my (MPA) master’s degree in public administration. I knew I wanted to contribute to the non-profit sector niching down to prison reform, recidivism, or e-learning creation for reentry programs. Prior to graduating, I’ve worked in hospitality, healthcare, and currently as an analyst at an engineering company. Skill sets that connect me to all these industries are problem-solving, analytical thinking, research, analyzing data, and communication. As I reflected on the connection I realized I have a passion for finding the how and the why and communicating the results in a way that others could comprehend.

The decision to pivot into data science did not happen until August 2021. Strolling on Twitter I came across a community that was passionate about data science and getting people started in the data/tech sector. There are so many jobs when it comes to data and tech regardless of what industry one might have an interest in, there is a spot for you. As I continue to research and follow others in the community I came across remarkable resources including free resources. Me making the decision and effort to make online connections, changing the way I viewed and used social media has changed the trajectory of my life forever.

I am happy to say I am currently enrolled in two boot camps. One at SpringBoard for data analytics and the other My Tech Bestfriend for business intelligence and scrum. Lesson learned that social media is beyond sharing pictures and tweeting about nothing. It's a place to retrieve information, make connections, build community, and share your story. With my newfound perception, I will change the way I use my social media platforms. Not saying I can not still have fun but now I will connect, post, and share with a purpose. Shout out to @teneikaask_you for all the amazing resources you share your such a gem to the tech community. Also @MyTechBF for always sharing the trends, job niches, and demands of the job market. Follow these amazing women in tech if you are interested in pivoting into tech or data science. Check back for more posts on my journey into data analytics.



Nicole Denise

Mother, Techie and Indoor Cycling Fanatic. Here to Reach, Teach and Inspire.